Now online: Professor Nathenson’s MBE Civil Procedure resources

Civil Procedure MBE resources now online

I want to thank so many of you for attending the Civil Procedure MBE review that I provided at St. Thomas Law last week. The videos from last week are now online at my YouTube channel at this playlist.

But as you know, it's not possible to cover everything in four hours. So I have put together an extensive set of Civ Pro MBE resources that includes not just the videos from last week, but also:

  • Additional videos and screencasts that provide greater information on the topics covered last week.
  • Additional videos on topics not covered last week.
  • Many problem sets (with explanations), handouts, and flowcharts, on topics covered and topics not covered last week.

How to access Professor Nathenson's Civil Procedure MBE resources

There are numerous videos, problem sets, flowcharts, and handouts. You can access the main Civ Pro MBE resources page by clicking the button. You can also see a listing of topics below the line.

Click for MBE resources

Overview of potential Civ Pro MBE topics

Professor Nathenson's MBE resources listed by topic

Here is a current listing of topics. For updates or changes, you should go directly to the main MBE Civil Procedure resources page. Keep in mind that even with the extensive resources provided below, I can't provide study materials on every conceivable Civ Pro issue that might arise on the bar exam. So be sure to use your bar study course, study hard, get lots of rest, and eat well!

Extended review sessions for MBE and JD

Updated June 4, 2015 (update links, add Erie flowchart, add overview page link)

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