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Here’s a picture of a momma hippo and a baby hippo at the San Diego Zoo, because why not?

Here’s another why not? I got an email today from one of my Civ Pro peeps about a possible error in my CALI 1367 lesson, and it got me thinking. He found what appeared to be an error in my brand-spanking new lesson. And I think he’s right, I’ll look at it tomorrow and have it fixed if need be. But it got me thinking: I totally expect that students will find the occasional error in the first draft of my handouts, website materials, or the first stab at a new CALI lesson. So I’m thinking about three of the most important lessons I’ve learned:

  1. Encourage students to call you out on your own BS. It teaches students to think critically and to stand up for what’s right. We need that today more than ever.
  2. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!
  3. Crowd-source, crowd-source, crowd-source.

Henceforth, a new rule for Civ Pro class. Any student who catches a substantive error in any of my materials–whether a handout, website posting, CALI lesson, whatever–will earn a point towards their overall score for the class. To get the point, you’ve got to point out the error and explain to me why you think it’s a substantive error. If you’re correct that it’s an error, I’ll give you the point. First-come, first-served so I recommend you email me to stake your claim.

Bring ’em on!

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