Upcoming Excellence in IP award: please contact me

Dear IP students:

[I have previously sent this message out several times via STU email and to all known alumni email accounts; I am also posting this online to reach as many people as possible.]

On the evening of Tuesday, March 31, 2020, we will hold the keynote IP-Palooza II event at STU Law, where IP alum and donor Bryan Sinclair will be presenting a $1000 Excellence in IP award for each of the following three categories:

  • Trademark (Fall 2019)
  • Copyright (combined Spring 2019, Spring 2018)
  • Innovations (combined Spring 2019, Spring 2018)

If you would like your project to be considered for any of these awards, please respond to me ASAP in writing and no later than Fri., Feb. 28, 2020 at 12 midnight EST (end-of-day). My email address is inathenson at stu dot edu.

Without your written permission, your project(s) cannot be considered, because your consent for me to transmit top projects to Mr. Sinclair for his review is required (as a waiver of your rights under FERPA and other laws).

Should you wish to make any revisions to any of your work product prior to me sending it to Mr. Sinclair, please get into touch with me immediately and I will be happy to discuss your project with you in person or on the phone. Any revisions must be made alone and without any third-party assistance and prior to the date noted above. Should you wish to submit your project as-is, simply email me as noted above.

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