Below are videos and other resources regarding subject matter jurisdiction.
Handouts and problem sets
Problem sets (with explanations)
- Why supplemental jurisdiction is like an ice cream cone with sprinkles
- Supplemental jurisdiction analysis
- Contamination Rule
- Aggregation and 1367
Resource pages
Subject matter jurisdiction MBE review (Feb. 2016)

This video covers selected issues regarding original subject matter jurisdiction and removal jurisdiction. The video also includes annotations to point you to specific materials of interest. Topics include:
- Federal question jurisdiction
- Diversity jurisdiction
- Supplemental jurisdiction
- Removal jurisdiction
Subject matter jurisdiction MBE review (May 2015)

This video covers selected issues regarding original subject matter jurisdiction and removal jurisdiction. The video also includes annotations to point you to specific materials of interest. Topics include:
- Federal question jurisdiction
- Diversity jurisdiction
- Supplemental jurisdiction
- Removal jurisdiction
Diversity basics: citizen of a state

This video covers the meaning of the phrase "Citizen of a State," which is relevant to diversity jurisdiction.
Topics include:
- Relevant language from Article III & 1332
- Scenarios analyzing U.S. Citizen + domiciled in a State
- The two elements required for a change of domicile
- The varying approaches taken by courts to the requisite intent for a change of domicile
- Modeling of how to outline or flowchart the law
Diversity advanced: amount in controversy

This video explores the "amount in controversy" (AIC) requirement of 28 U.S.C. 1332(a).
Topics include:
- Basics of the AIC
- The St. Paul Mercury test for AIC
- Examples of where the AIC can and cannot be met
- Measuring the AIC in cases seeking an injunction
Diversity advanced: 1332(a)(2) and (a)(3)

This video discusses jurisdiction where the suit includes aliens.
Topics include:
- Basics of alienage under 1332(a)(2)
- The caveat language of 1332(a)(2), which divests jurisdiction when the suit is between a Citizen of a State and an LPR foreign citizen domiciled in the same state
- The purposes behind 1332(a)(3), which permits an alien to sue another alien, so long as the suit already involves a controversy between citizens of different states
Diversity advanced: aggregation

This video explores aggregation. For details on how supplemental jurisdiction (and Exxon v. Allapattah) effect the outcome of aggregation scenarios, see the videos on supplemental jurisdiction below, as well as the handout on Aggregation before and after 1367 and Exxon Mobil.
JD review of supplemental jurisdiction (Spring 2015)

Issues discussed in video:
- The ice cream cone metaphor
- 1367(a)'s grant
- 1367(b)'s divestment of the grant
- 1367(c) and (d)
IMPORTANT NOTE: I would note that by the time we reached this issue, we were many hours into the review and forgot to discuss Exxon v. Allapattah, the contamination rule, and the effect of 1367 on aggregation scenarios. This omission was not intentional and was instead a reflection of fatigue engendered by a multi-hour review. For information on these issues, see the addendum video below.
Addendum to supplemental jurisdiction review (Spring 2015)

This video covers materials not noted in the Spring 2015 JD review of supplemental jurisdiction.
Topics discussed:
- Exxon v. Allapattah basics
- Contamination
- A bit on aggregation