Projects: certification of originality and attribution

NOTE: This certification is also available at this link in Word format. Use the Word version for your handed-in case file.


I, ________________________________________________ [name printed or typed] certify that subject to the required disclosures below, my submission for this project is original to me.

Copies of templates. I have included copies of any and all materials I relied upon in the Project, such as copyright registrations or contracts. Those materials are [add lines as needed]:

  1. ___________________________________________________
  2. ___________________________________________________
  3. ___________________________________________________

No outside assistance. I have not obtained any assistance with this Project from anyone who is not a currently enrolled member of this class from this semester.

Inside assistance. I disclose and certify that I received or provided assistance to or from the persons named below [add lines as needed].

Persons providing
assistance to me:
Nature of assistance, listed in detail







I provided assistance to:


Nature of assistance, listed in detail





I have not omitted from this certification any source, person, or any type of assistance, whether given or received. Nor have I changed any of the language from the certification as provided to me from the Professor.

I recognize that this certification is to be interpreted broadly and includes without limitation: forms and preexisting materials used, reading drafts, suggesting edits, discussing issues, sharing sources, and getting tips. I recognize that violation of this certification may lead to a reduced score, a lowered grade, and referral to the academic integrity committee.

Handwritten signature: _____________________________________ Date: ______________